
RISE Healthcare (253280)

Update : 2024.10.04



+477.35상승 (3.2%)

Market Price per share (KRW)


+430상승 (2.88%)

※ t-1 last price

trading volume



KRW 7.7billion

RISE Healthcare (253280)


Invest in domestic healthcare companies (medical equipment and services, bio, pharmaceutical)


Invest in selected healthcare companies based on financial conditions among the top 500 companies by market capitalization of the KOSPI and KOSDAQ markets

Basic information

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Update : 2024.10.04
ETF name(Code), Benchmark Index, Inception date, creation unit, Net Asset (KRW 0.1 billion), Trustee, Rule of Dividend payment, Market Price per share (KRW), iNAV per share (KRW), trading volume (share), Total Expense ratio table
ETF Name (code) Benchmark Index Inception date Creation Unit AUM (KRW)
KB RISE HealthCare ETF
FnGuide HealthCare Index 2016.09.23 50,000 7,707,049,878
Trustee Market Price per share (KRW) NAV Trading Volume (shares)
하나은행 15,380
※ t-1 last price
15,414 3,837
authorized participant, Liquidity provider table
Total Expense Ratio Distribution Frequency 다운로드 버튼
Year 0.05% (Designated participating company : 0.001%, Collective investment : 0.029%, trust : 0.01%, General affairs : 0.01%) Last business day of January, April, July and October, and end of accounting period (occasional payment)
Authorized Participants Liquidity Providers
KB Securities, Meritz Securities, NH Investment & Securities, Kiwoom Securities, Samsung Securities KB Securities, Meritz Securities, NH Investment & Securities, Kiwoom Securities, Samsung Securities
ETF name(Code), Benchmark Index, Inception date, creation unit, AUM(0.1 billion) (KRW), Trustee, Rule of Dividend payment, Market Price per share (KRW), iNAV per share (KRW), trading volume (share), Total Expense ratio table
ETF Name(Code) Benchmark Index
KB RISE HealthCare ETF

FnGuide HealthCare Index
Inception date Creation Unit
2016.09.23 50,000
AUM(0.1 billion) (KRW) Trustee
7,707,049,878 하나은행
Market Price per share (KRW) iNAV per share (KRW)
※ t-1 last price
Trading Volume (shares)
authorized participant, Liquidity provider table
Total Expense Ratio
Year 0.05% (Designated participating company : 0.001%, Collective investment : 0.029%, trust : 0.01%, General affairs : 0.01%)
Distribution Frequency
Last business day of January, April, July and October, and end of accounting period (occasional payment)
Authorized Participants
KB Securities, Meritz Securities, NH Investment & Securities, Kiwoom Securities, Samsung Securities
Liquidity Providers
KB Securities, Meritz Securities, NH Investment & Securities, Kiwoom Securities, Samsung Securities

Index Introduction

The FnGuide Healthcare Index is a market capitalization weighted index. The index selects stocks that satisfy financial and management soundness criteria out of the universe of stocks come under the medical sector in the MKF 500.

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TOP 10 Holdings

Update : 2024-10-04
Rank , Name, proportion table
Rank Name Weight (%)
1 Alteogen 13.90
2 Yuhan 12.09
3 HLB 10.63
5 Celltrion 8.34
6 SKBP 4.36
7 HanmiPharm 3.72
8 SCD 3.00
10 Celltrionph 2.04

proportion by sectors

*The proportion of investment stocks

Update : 2024.10.04
Rank , Name, proportion table
Rank Name Weight (%)
1 Healthcare 100.00

Dividend payment data

· Payable date of dividend payment 3 years.
Rule of Dividend payment, Payable date of dividend payment, dividend per share (KRW) table
Rule of Dividend payment Payable date of dividend payment dividend per share (KRW)
2023-04-28 2023-05-03 16
2022-04-29 2022-05-03 60



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Update : 2024-10-04

 (as of Oct : %)

The result of above Net Asset Value performance is the rate of return assuming distribution reinvestment.

classification, 1Month, 3Month, 6Month, 1year, 3year, YTD (Year to date), Since inception, NAV, Benchmark Index, Outperformance table
classification 1Month 3Month 6Month 1year 3year YTD
(Year to date)
NAV 5.00 18.38 12.55 43.98 0.12 19.27 51.76
Benchmark Index 5.08 18.78 12.82 44.49 -0.15 19.70 53.03
Outperformance -0.09 -0.41 -0.27 -0.52 0.27 -0.43 -1.28

daily Performance

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date, market price (KRW), NAV (KRW)
date Market price (KRW) NAV (KRW)
closing price Daily Return(%) closing price Daily Return(%)
2024.10.04 15,380 2.876상승 15,414.1 3.195상승
2024.10.02 14,950 -0.598하락 14,936.79 -0.971하락
2024.09.30 15,040 -0.987하락 15,083.36 -0.551하락
2024.09.27 15,190 -2.659하락 15,167.09 -3.059하락
2024.09.26 15,605 1.265상승 15,645.85 1.685상승
2024.09.25 15,410 -3.173하락 15,386.45 -3.574하락
2024.09.24 15,915 0.791상승 15,956.9 0.760상승
2024.09.23 15,790 0.445상승 15,836.41 0.323상승
2024.09.20 15,720 3.217상승 15,785.4 3.388상승
2024.09.19 15,230 3.009상승 15,268.1 2.991상승
2024.09.13 14,785 0.749상승 14,824.84 1.138상승
2024.09.12 14,675 1.980상승 14,657.95 1.932상승
2024.09.11 14,390 -1.201하락 14,380.05 -1.131하락
2024.09.10 14,565 0.552상승 14,544.62 0.182상승
2024.09.09 14,485 0.835상승 14,518.07 0.843상승
2024.09.06 14,365 -0.346하락 14,396.69 -0.391하락
2024.09.05 14,415 -1.905하락 14,453.32 -1.545하락


Name, Ticker, Number. of shares, Weight(%), market price (KRW)
No. (Number) Name Ticker Number of shares
/ Par value
Weight(%) Market price (KRW)
1 Alteogen KR7196170005 309 13.9 103,824,000
2 Yuhan KR7000100008 648 12.09 90,266,400
3 HLB KR7028300002 938 10.63 79,354,800
4 SAMSUNG BIOLOGICS KR7207940008 79 10.33 77,183,000
5 Celltrion KR7068270008 326 8.34 62,266,000
6 SKBP KR7326030004 316 4.36 32,579,600
7 HanmiPharm KR7128940004 88 3.72 27,808,000
8 SCD KR7000250001 162 3 22,372,200
9 HANALL BIOPHARMA KR7009420001 409 2.05 15,296,600
10 Celltrionph KR7068760008 222 2.04 15,229,200
11 PharmaResearch KR7214450009 72 1.86 13,867,200
12 원화예금 KRD010010001 13,525,744 1.81 13,525,744
13 SKBS KR7302440003 246 1.76 13,161,000
14 ST Pharm KR7237690003 119 1.6 11,959,500
15 MedyTox KR7086900008 63 1.56 11,673,900
16 CLASSYS KR7214150005 198 1.45 10,810,800
17 CHONGKUNDANG KR7185750007 95 1.4 10,440,500
18 Hanmi Science KR7008930000 309 1.3 9,687,150
19 GC Corp KR7006280002 64 1.25 9,324,800
20 SEEGENE KR7096530001 372 1.19 8,909,400
21 HK inno.N KR7195940002 165 1.08 8,052,000
22 HLBPHARMA KR7047920004 313 1.07 8,012,800
23 CHA Biotech KR7085660009 461 1.05 7,813,950
24 Binex KR7053030003 324 1.03 7,695,000
25 DAEWOONG PHARM KR7069620003 52 0.94 7,046,000
26 BIONEER KR7064550007 257 0.93 6,951,850
27 DENTIUM KR7145720009 76 0.81 6,064,800
28 ShinpoongPharm KR7019170000 384 0.63 4,677,120
29 DongKook Pharm KR7086450004 269 0.62 4,634,870
30 i-SENS KR7099190001 243 0.57 4,233,060
31 JWPHARMA KR7001060003 155 0.57 4,270,250
32 Donga ST KR7170900005 59 0.55 4,135,900
33 T&L KR7340570001 53 0.51 3,789,500
34 Boryung KR7003850005 343 0.48 3,587,780
35 L&C BIO KR7290650001 178 0.47 3,542,200
36 WONTECH KR7336570007 499 0.46 3,408,170
37 Pharmicell KR7005690003 649 0.45 3,348,840
38 SELVAS AI KR7108860008 275 0.4 2,975,500
39 GC CELL KR7144510005 92 0.39 2,898,000
40 Amicogen KR7092040005 568 0.35 2,587,240
41 CUREXO KR7060280005 337 0.34 2,540,980
42 KwangdongPharm KR7009290008 367 0.28 2,099,240
43 Aprogen KR7007460009 1,567 0.25 1,845,926
44 Ray KR7228670006 130 0.15 1,086,800
Investment notice
- The information provided on this website is based on reliable sources, but its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed.
- Financial investment products are not protected by the Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation in accordance with the Depositor Protection Act, and a loss of investment principal may occur, which belongs to the investor.
- Past performance does not guarantee future profits.
- In the case of a collective investment scheme that invests in foreign securities, asset values may be lost due to risks caused by market, political, and economic conditions in the target country.
- Derivatives may lose all or a significant portion of the investment principal in a short period of time due to high price volatility, and there is a risk that the counterparty may not be able to fulfill the terms of the contract when investing in over-the-counter derivatives.
- Before investing, be sure to read the investment prospectus and contract recommendation document regarding the investment subject, redemption method, and fee.