
RISE KOSPI (302450)

Update : 2025.02.14



+84.8상승 (0.32%)

Market Price per share (KRW)


+85상승 (0.32%)

※ t-1 last price

trading volume



KRW 111.7billion

RISE KOSPI (302450)


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Invest a small budget in all the KOSPI constituents listed on the KRX (securities market)

Basic information

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Update : 2025.02.14
ETF name(Code), Benchmark Index, Inception date, creation unit, Net Asset (KRW 0.1 billion), Trustee, Rule of Dividend payment, Market Price per share (KRW), iNAV per share (KRW), trading volume (share), Total Expense ratio table
ETF Name (code) Benchmark Index Inception date Creation Unit AUM (KRW)
Korea Composite Stock Price Index 2018.07.24 50,000 111,744,114,449
Trustee Market Price per share (KRW) NAV Trading Volume (shares)
한국씨티은행 26,900
※ t-1 last price
26,926 68,975
authorized participant, Liquidity provider table
Total Expense Ratio Distribution Frequency
Year 0.14% (Designated participating company : 0.01%, Collective investment : 0.1%, trust : 0.01%, General affairs : 0.02%) Last business day of January, April, July and October, and end of accounting period (occasional payment)
Authorized Participants Liquidity Providers
Kiwoom Securities,Meritz Securities,NH Investment & Securities, Hyundai Motor Securities Kiwoom Securities,Meritz Securities,NH Investment & Securities, eBest Investment & Securities, Hyundai Motor Securities
ETF name(Code), Benchmark Index, Inception date, creation unit, AUM(0.1 billion) (KRW), Trustee, Rule of Dividend payment, Market Price per share (KRW), iNAV per share (KRW), trading volume (share), Total Expense ratio table
ETF Name(Code) Benchmark Index

Korea Composite Stock Price Index
Inception date Creation Unit
2018.07.24 50,000
AUM(0.1 billion) (KRW) Trustee
111,744,114,449 한국씨티은행
Market Price per share (KRW) iNAV per share (KRW)
※ t-1 last price
Trading Volume (shares)
authorized participant, Liquidity provider table
Total Expense Ratio
Year 0.14% (Designated participating company : 0.01%, Collective investment : 0.1%, trust : 0.01%, General affairs : 0.02%)
Distribution Frequency
Last business day of January, April, July and October, and end of accounting period (occasional payment)
Authorized Participants
Kiwoom Securities,Meritz Securities,NH Investment & Securities, Hyundai Motor Securities
Liquidity Providers
Kiwoom Securities,Meritz Securities,NH Investment & Securities, eBest Investment & Securities, Hyundai Motor Securities

Index Introduction

'KOSPI is calculated by KRX, and since the opening in 1956, stocks of world-class companies such as Samsung Electronics, Hyundai Motor Company, POSCO, and LG Electronics have been listed on KOSPI. KOSPI represents all common stocks traded in the stock market in Korea.

View detailed index information

TOP 10 Holdings

Update : 2025-02-14
Rank , Name, proportion table
Rank Name Weight (%)
1 SamsungElec 16.10
2 SK hynix 7.32
3 LG Energy Solution 4.05
5 HyundaiMtr 2.13
6 Celltrion 1.94
7 KIA CORP. 1.81
8 NAVER 1.69
10 KBFinancialGroup 1.52

proportion by sectors

*The proportion of investment stocks

Update : 2025.02.14
Rank , Name, proportion table
Rank Name Weight (%)
1 Information Technology 35.97
2 Industrials 18.45
3 Financials 11.92
4 Consumer Discretionary 10.11
5 Healthcare 8.77
6 Materials 6.07
7 Consumer Staples 3.40
8 Energy 2.96
9 Communication Services 1.38
10 Utilities 0.98

Dividend payment data

· Payable date of dividend payment 3 years.
Rule of Dividend payment, Payable date of dividend payment, dividend per share (KRW) table
Rule of Dividend payment Payable date of dividend payment dividend per share (KRW)
2024-10-31 2024-11-04 90
2024-07-31 2024-08-02 80
2024-04-30 2024-05-03 390
2023-04-28 2023-05-03 340
2022-04-29 2022-05-03 280



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Update : 2025-02-14

 (as of Oct : %)

The result of above Net Asset Value performance is the rate of return assuming distribution reinvestment.

classification, 1Month, 3Month, 6Month, 1year, 3year, YTD (Year to date), Since inception, NAV, Benchmark Index, Outperformance table
classification 1Month 3Month 6Month 1year 3year YTD
(Year to date)
NAV 3.83 7.62 -1.23 0.58 1.07 8.03 31.09
Benchmark Index 3.75 7.12 -2.02 -1.12 -4.19 7.98 14.18
Outperformance 0.08 0.5 0.79 1.7 5.26 0.04 16.91

daily Performance

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date, market price (KRW), NAV (KRW)
date Market price (KRW) NAV (KRW)
closing price Daily Return(%) closing price Daily Return(%)
2025.02.14 26,900 0.316상승 26,926.29 0.315상승
2025.02.13 26,815 1.495상승 26,841.49 1.369상승
2025.02.12 26,420 0.170상승 26,478.99 0.360상승
2025.02.11 26,375 0.514상승 26,383.99 0.727상승
2025.02.10 26,240 0.305상승 26,193.33 -0.034하락
2025.02.07 26,160 -0.361하락 26,202.67 -0.582하락
2025.02.06 26,255 0.690상승 26,356.28 1.080상승
2025.02.05 26,075 1.065상승 26,074.55 1.119상승
2025.02.04 25,800 1.236상승 25,785.93 1.116상승
2025.02.03 25,485 -2.449하락 25,501.19 -2.501하락
2025.01.31 26,125 -0.551하락 26,155.76 -0.757하락
2025.01.24 26,270 0.478상승 26,355.86 0.856상승
2025.01.23 26,145 -1.171하락 26,132.05 -1.240하락
2025.01.22 26,455 1.127상승 26,460.42 1.169상승
2025.01.21 26,160 -0.076하락 26,154.51 -0.083하락
2025.01.20 26,180 -0.057하락 26,176.35 -0.123하락
2025.01.17 26,195 -0.057하락 26,208.74 -0.152하락
2025.01.16 26,210 1.177상승 26,248.7 1.229상승
2025.01.15 25,905 -0.173하락 25,929.9 -0.011하락


Name, Ticker, Number. of shares, Weight(%), market price (KRW)
No. (Number) Name Ticker Number of shares
/ Par value
Weight(%) Market price (KRW)
1 SamsungElec KR7005930003 3,872 16.1 216,057,600
2 SK hynix KR7000660001 471 7.32 98,203,500
3 LG Energy Solution KR7373220003 152 4.05 54,416,000
4 SAMSUNG BIOLOGICS KR7207940008 46 4.04 54,234,000
5 HyundaiMtr KR7005380001 137 2.13 28,564,500
6 Celltrion KR7068270008 146 1.94 25,973,400
7 KIA CORP. KR7000270009 258 1.81 24,329,400
8 NAVER KR7035420009 103 1.69 22,660,000
9 HD HYUNDAI HEAVY INDUSTRIES KR7329180004 57 1.55 20,862,000
10 KBFinancialGroup KR7105560007 257 1.52 20,405,800
11 ShinhanGroup KR7055550008 329 1.19 15,940,050
12 Hanwha Ocean KR7042660001 200 1.15 15,500,000
13 HANWHA AEROSPACE KR7012450003 30 1.15 15,480,000
14 Mobis KR7012330007 60 1.09 14,580,000
15 SAMSUNG C&T KR7028260008 117 1.06 14,227,200
16 Meritz Financial KR7138040001 123 1.05 14,034,300
17 POSCO Holdings KR7005490008 54 0.99 13,311,000
18 SK Innovation KR7096770003 99 0.92 12,305,700
19 Kakao KR7035720002 292 0.87 11,738,400
20 SAMSUNG LIFE KR7032830002 130 0.87 11,700,000
21 HANAFINANCIALGR KR7086790003 186 0.84 11,271,600
22 SamsungF&MIns KR7000810002 31 0.83 11,113,500
23 HDKSOE KR7009540006 46 0.81 10,879,000
24 LGCHEM KR7051910008 47 0.8 10,786,500
25 Doosan Enerbility KR7034020008 421 0.77 10,335,550
26 KRAFTON KR7259960003 32 0.76 10,144,000
27 HMM KR7011200003 566 0.76 10,250,260
28 KorZinc KR7010130003 13 0.75 10,114,000
29 HD HYUNDAI ELECTRIC KR7267260008 24 0.73 9,768,000
30 SAMSUNG SDI CO.,LTD. KR7006400006 45 0.72 9,630,000
31 KT&G KR7033780008 83 0.65 8,706,700
32 KEPCO KR7015760002 417 0.64 8,631,900
33 원화예금 KRD010010001 8,553,726 0.64 8,553,726
34 LGELECTRONICS KR7066570003 108 0.64 8,586,000
35 WooriFinancialGroup KR7316140003 492 0.63 8,457,480
36 SKSQUARE KR7402340004 87 0.63 8,482,500
37 IBK KR7024110009 526 0.6 8,058,320
38 SKTelecom KR7017670001 140 0.59 7,882,000
39 SamsungHvyInd KR7010140002 575 0.57 7,710,750
40 KT KR7030200000 165 0.56 7,458,000
41 KakaoBank KR7323410001 308 0.54 7,222,600
42 SamsungElecMech KR7009150004 49 0.53 7,114,800
43 HYBE KR7352820005 28 0.52 6,930,000
44 LG Corp. KR7003550001 99 0.52 7,009,200
45 POSCO FUTURE M KR7003670007 52 0.52 6,957,600
46 SK KR7034730002 48 0.52 6,988,800
47 Yuhan KR7000100008 53 0.5 6,656,800
48 SKBP KR7326030004 52 0.49 6,520,800
49 SAMSUNG SDS KR7018260000 51 0.48 6,390,300
50 HANMISemi KR7042700005 64 0.48 6,380,800
51 HYUNDAIGLOVIS KR7086280005 47 0.45 6,053,600
52 HYUNDAI ROTEM KR7064350002 71 0.42 5,672,900
53 KAL KR7003490000 239 0.42 5,640,400
54 LS ELECTRIC KR7010120004 20 0.39 5,260,000
55 POSCO INTERNATIONAL KR7047050000 119 0.38 5,039,650
56 DB INSURANCE KR7005830005 46 0.34 4,521,800
57 HDHMS KR7443060009 29 0.34 4,541,400
58 S-Oil KR7010950004 75 0.33 4,425,000
59 HANWHA SYSTEMS KR7272210006 126 0.33 4,397,400
60 LIG Nex1 KR7079550000 15 0.32 4,320,000
61 AMOREPACIFIC KR7090430000 37 0.32 4,317,900
62 HD HYUNDAI KR7267250009 52 0.3 4,066,400
63 SKC KR7011790003 25 0.3 4,052,500
64 SamyangFood KR7003230000 5 0.3 4,015,000
65 COWAY KR7021240007 48 0.28 3,787,200
66 HANJINKAL KR7180640005 43 0.27 3,599,100
67 DOOSAN KR7000150003 11 0.27 3,630,000
68 KOREA AEROSPACE KR7047810007 65 0.27 3,575,000
69 MKIF KR7088980008 319 0.26 3,540,900
70 ECOPRO MAT KR7450080007 46 0.25 3,413,200
71 MIRAE ASSET SEC KR7006800007 378 0.24 3,163,860
72 Doosan Bobcat KR7241560002 68 0.24 3,257,200
73 SAMSUNG CARD KR7029780004 77 0.24 3,234,000
74 LG CNS KR7064400005 58 0.24 3,230,600
75 LG H&H KR7051900009 10 0.24 3,160,000
76 Doosan Robotics KR7454910001 43 0.23 3,040,100
77 HYOSUNG HEAVY KR7298040007 6 0.22 2,982,000
78 NHIS KR7005940002 201 0.22 2,916,510
79 LG Display KR7034220004 318 0.22 3,011,460
80 LG Uplus KR7032640005 286 0.22 3,017,300
81 KIH KR7071050009 37 0.22 2,889,700
82 HANKOOK TIRE & TECHNOLOGY KR7161390000 75 0.21 2,838,750
83 ORION KR7271560005 26 0.21 2,797,600
84 SamsungSecu KR7016360000 59 0.21 2,758,250
85 Netmarble KR7251270005 56 0.2 2,618,000
86 LS KR7006260004 21 0.2 2,698,500
87 HD HYUNDAI MIPO KR7010620003 24 0.2 2,731,200
88 kakaopay KR7377300009 88 0.2 2,723,600
89 HyundaiAutoever KR7307950006 19 0.2 2,688,500
90 LG Innotek KR7011070000 16 0.19 2,616,000
91 HANWHA SOLUTIONS KR7009830001 117 0.19 2,562,300
92 SamsungE&A KR7028050003 134 0.19 2,533,940
93 HyundaiEng&Const KR7000720003 74 0.19 2,497,500
94 NCsoft KR7036570000 14 0.18 2,396,800
95 BNK Financial Group KR7138930003 216 0.18 2,425,680
96 HanmiPharm KR7128940004 9 0.18 2,407,500
97 SKBS KR7302440003 51 0.18 2,450,550
98 SHIFT UP KR7462870007 38 0.18 2,443,400
99 GS KR7078930005 62 0.18 2,473,800
100 CJ CheilJedang KR7097950000 10 0.18 2,460,000
101 KumhoPetrochem KR7011780004 19 0.17 2,278,100
102 JB Financial Group KR7175330000 131 0.17 2,339,660
103 Kangwonland KR7035250000 141 0.17 2,244,720
104 Hanwha KR7000880005 50 0.16 2,107,500
105 HYUNDAI STEEL KR7004020004 91 0.16 2,138,500
106 POSCO DX KR7022100002 100 0.15 2,035,000
107 Kogas KR7036460004 63 0.15 2,006,550
108 L&F KR7066970005 25 0.15 2,067,500
109 KIWOOM KR7039490008 17 0.15 1,997,500
110 F&F KR7383220001 27 0.14 1,881,900
111 Hanwha Vision KR7489790006 31 0.13 1,686,400
112 DOUZONE BIZON KR7012510004 21 0.13 1,686,300
113 LOTTE CHEMICAL Corp KR7011170008 29 0.13 1,716,800
114 ISUPETASYS KR7007660004 42 0.13 1,806,000
115 Hanon Systems KR7018880005 401 0.13 1,748,360
116 CJ KR7001040005 19 0.13 1,803,100
117 KEPCO E&C KR7052690005 25 0.13 1,745,000
118 HANWHA LIFE KR7088350004 579 0.12 1,563,300
119 TaihanElecWire KR7001440007 123 0.12 1,619,910
120 S-1 KR7012750006 26 0.12 1,544,400
121 KCC KR7002380004 6 0.12 1,635,000
122 LOTTE KR7004990008 70 0.11 1,505,000
123 Hyundai M&F INS KR7001450006 60 0.11 1,422,000
124 APR KR7278470000 27 0.11 1,422,900
125 HyundaiElev KR7017800004 27 0.11 1,503,900
126 DONGSUH KR7026960005 66 0.11 1,504,800
127 HL MANDO KR7204320006 31 0.11 1,446,150
128 CJ LOGISTICS KR7000120006 15 0.11 1,428,000
129 SANIL ELECTRIC KR7062040001 20 0.11 1,450,000
130 Fila Holdings KR7081660003 40 0.11 1,522,000
131 KEPCO KPS KR7051600005 32 0.1 1,398,400
132 Youngone Corp KR7111770004 29 0.1 1,325,300
133 CheilWorldwide KR7030000004 77 0.1 1,397,550
134 SKGas KR7018670000 6 0.1 1,371,000
135 HANALL BIOPHARMA KR7009420001 35 0.1 1,363,250
136 Hanmi Science KR7008930000 46 0.1 1,322,500
137 PanOcean KR7028670008 356 0.09 1,222,860
138 HD HYUNDAI CE KR7267270007 15 0.09 1,242,000
139 emart KR7139480008 18 0.09 1,252,800
140 CSWIND KR7112610001 28 0.09 1,201,200
141 HD Hyundai Infracore KR7042670000 132 0.09 1,223,640
142 Hanwha Engine KR7082740002 47 0.09 1,179,700
143 DAEWOONG PHARM KR7069620003 8 0.08 1,086,400
144 POONGSAN KR7103140000 19 0.08 1,064,000
145 ILJIN ELECTRIC KR7103590006 31 0.08 1,047,800
146 DGB Financial Group KR7139130009 113 0.08 1,058,810
147 LOTTE SHOPPING KR7023530009 18 0.08 1,018,800
148 GC Corp KR7006280002 8 0.08 1,069,600
149 DongwonInd KR7006040000 30 0.08 1,030,500
150 GS E&C KR7006360002 57 0.08 1,063,050
151 OCI Holdings KR7010060002 14 0.08 1,120,000
152 DL E&C KR7375500006 29 0.08 1,080,250
153 Nongshim KR7004370003 3 0.08 1,017,000
154 Korean Re KR7003690005 136 0.08 1,104,320
155 Shinsegae KR7004170007 7 0.07 935,900
156 SK ie technology KR7361610009 40 0.07 984,000
157 SK REIT KR7395400005 180 0.07 891,900
158 CosmoAM&T KR7005070008 19 0.07 950,000
159 AmoreG KR7002790004 45 0.07 969,750
160 SLCORP KR7005850003 32 0.07 884,800
161 GS Retail KR7007070006 58 0.07 873,480
162 KOLMAR KOREA KR7161890009 16 0.07 944,000
163 BGF Retail KR7282330000 9 0.07 913,500
164 COSMAX KR7192820009 6 0.07 910,800
165 DB HiTek KR7000990002 22 0.07 910,800
166 HITEJINRO KR7000080002 47 0.07 900,050
167 HANKOOK & COMPANY KR7000240002 63 0.07 999,810
168 KUMHOTIRE KR7073240004 188 0.07 955,040
169 DWEC KR7047040001 277 0.07 991,660
170 HYUNDAIDEPTST KR7069960003 16 0.06 824,000
171 DI DONGIL KR7001530005 17 0.06 809,200
172 ShinyoungSecu KR7001720002 11 0.06 862,400
173 SKNetworks KR7001740000 174 0.06 748,200
174 LOTTE ENERGY MATERIALS Corp KR7020150009 30 0.06 759,000
175 Hanchem KR7014680003 8 0.06 821,600
176 DWS KR7014820005 20 0.06 746,000
177 LS Eco Energy KR7229640008 20 0.06 840,000
178 HDC-OP KR7294870001 44 0.06 845,680
179 Ottogi KR7007310006 2 0.06 766,000
180 DN AUTOMOTIVE KR7007340003 41 0.06 858,950
181 HtlShilla KR7008770000 20 0.06 810,000
182 YoungoneHoldings KR7009970005 9 0.06 756,000
183 KYUNGDONGNAVIEN KR7009450008 10 0.06 802,000
184 ISUSPECIALTYCHEMICAL KR7457190007 18 0.06 773,100
185 Daewoong KR7003090008 38 0.06 786,600
186 TaekwangInd KR7003240009 1 0.05 672,000
187 SeAH Steel Holdings KR7003030004 3 0.05 639,000
188 SNT DYNAMICS KR7003570009 23 0.05 657,800
189 LOTTE Fine Chem KR7004000006 17 0.05 697,850
190 Hyosung KR7004800009 14 0.05 653,800
191 SGBC KR7004490009 9 0.05 716,400
192 Binggrae KR7005180005 7 0.05 635,600
193 LotteChilsung KR7005300009 6 0.05 621,600
194 ESRKSREIT KR7365550003 142 0.05 663,140
195 HANILCMT KR7300720000 46 0.05 725,880
196 LOTTE REIT KR7330590001 193 0.05 609,880
197 Doosanfc KR7336260005 44 0.05 694,320
198 Hanssem KR7009240003 16 0.05 728,800
199 HYUNDAI WIA KR7011210002 18 0.05 696,600
200 SD Biosensor KR7137310009 70 0.05 731,500
201 CHONGKUNDANG KR7185750007 9 0.05 733,500
202 DoubleUGames KR7192080000 14 0.05 688,100
203 PARADISE KR7034230003 59 0.05 604,160
204 LOTTE WELLFOOD KR7280360009 7 0.05 737,800
205 Kumyang KR7001570001 35 0.05 605,500
206 ORION Holdings KR7001800002 41 0.05 635,500
207 LX INT KR7001120005 26 0.05 711,100
208 HD-Hyundai Marine Engine KR7071970008 22 0.05 633,600
209 LX Semicon KR7108320003 10 0.05 631,000
210 LOTTE rental KR7089860001 24 0.05 673,200
211 SKoceanplant KR7100090000 39 0.04 559,650
212 KOLON IND KR7120110002 18 0.04 522,900
213 MIRAE ASSET LIFE KR7085620003 118 0.04 508,580
214 TONGYANG LIFE KR7082640004 107 0.04 486,315
215 JUNJIN C&R KR7079900007 9 0.04 584,100
216 SNT MOTIV KR7064960008 20 0.04 549,000
217 Daesang KR7001680008 23 0.04 483,000
218 KCTECH KR7281820001 14 0.04 509,600
219 DaouTech KR7023590003 30 0.04 540,000
220 KorElecTerm KR7025540006 7 0.04 535,500
221 NICE INFO KR7030190003 40 0.04 487,200
222 CUCKOO KR7192400000 24 0.04 537,600
223 INNOCEAN KR7214320004 27 0.04 495,450
224 SOLUM KR7248070005 33 0.04 579,810
225 SKCHEM KR7285130001 12 0.04 511,800
226 HDC HOLDINGS KR7012630000 39 0.04 504,660
227 MiwonComcl KR7002840007 3 0.04 532,200
228 YoulchonChem KR7008730004 17 0.04 589,900
229 HYUNDAI G.F. HOLDINGS KR7005440003 104 0.04 517,920
230 DaeduckElectronics KR7353200009 32 0.04 592,640
231 COSMOCHEM KR7005420005 25 0.04 520,000
232 HS HYOSUNG ADVANCED KR7298050006 3 0.04 594,300
233 H.I.S.C KR7003530003 143 0.04 518,375
234 DaishinSecu KR7003540002 34 0.04 567,120
235 KG Mobility KR7003620002 123 0.03 455,100
236 Yuanta Securities KR7003470002 133 0.03 353,115
237 HYOSUNG TNC KR7298020009 2 0.03 464,000
238 DI KR7003160009 22 0.03 355,300
239 Samchully KR7004690004 4 0.03 360,000
240 Boryung KR7003850005 46 0.03 469,660
241 GCH Corp KR7005250006 32 0.03 454,080
242 OCI KR7456040005 6 0.03 372,000
243 Hanwha REIT KR7451800007 117 0.03 407,160
244 HYUNDAIGREENFOOD KR7453340002 31 0.03 416,330
245 MNC Solution KR7484870001 6 0.03 393,000
246 KCC GLASS KR7344820006 10 0.03 354,000
247 Solus Advanced Materials KR7336370002 48 0.03 459,360
248 LX HOLDINGS KR7383800000 51 0.03 345,270
249 K Car KR7381970003 32 0.03 427,520
250 KPIC KR7006650006 4 0.03 433,600
251 KorLine KR7005880000 212 0.03 365,700
252 SK Discovery KR7006120000 13 0.03 468,000
253 TCC STEEL KR7002710002 16 0.03 400,800
254 NEXENTIRE KR7002350007 65 0.03 345,800
255 MS IND KR7009900002 35 0.03 392,700
256 IS DONGSEO KR7010780005 21 0.03 417,060
257 Shinhan Alpha REIT KR7293940003 78 0.03 448,500
258 H.S.ENTERPRISE KR7241590009 40 0.03 448,000
259 DREAMTECH KR7192650000 45 0.03 360,900
260 PIAM KR7178920005 19 0.03 396,150
261 NHN KR7181710005 23 0.03 452,870
262 LOTTE TOUR KR7032350001 47 0.03 371,770
263 ILJIN HYSOLUS KR7271940009 25 0.03 401,500
264 MIWON SC KR7268280005 3 0.03 419,400
265 ShinpoongPharm KR7019170000 35 0.03 356,300
266 HankukCarbon KR7017960006 30 0.03 411,000
267 Pulmuone Corporate KR7017810003 26 0.03 337,480
268 DS Dansuk KR7017860008 12 0.03 361,800
269 KG DONGBU STL KR7016380008 65 0.03 391,300
270 SBHC KR7001430008 24 0.03 437,280
271 JWPHARMA KR7001060003 16 0.03 372,000
272 Donga Socio Holdings KR7000640003 4 0.03 388,800
273 Youngpoong KR7000670000 1 0.03 402,500
274 LotteInsurance KR7000400002 207 0.03 365,355
275 HYUNDAIHOMESHOP KR7057050007 8 0.03 391,600
276 DongwonF&B KR7049770001 15 0.03 455,250
277 CJ CGV KR7079160008 67 0.03 341,700
278 KDHC KR7071320006 8 0.03 337,600
279 TKG Huchems KR7069260008 28 0.03 451,640
280 SEJIN HEAVY KR7075580001 38 0.03 345,420
281 STXEngine KR7077970002 15 0.03 402,750
282 GKL KR7114090004 41 0.03 463,710
283 SAMYANGHOLDINGS KR7000070003 6 0.03 379,800
284 DL KR7000210005 14 0.03 466,200
285 JEJUAIR KR7089590004 49 0.03 357,700
286 Hansae KR7105630008 31 0.03 400,830
287 SNTEnergy KR7100840008 14 0.03 366,100
288 BH KR7090460007 22 0.03 362,340
289 FOOSUNG KR7093370005 71 0.03 357,840
290 TWAYAIR KR7091810002 97 0.02 325,920
291 KISCO KR7104700000 30 0.02 231,900
292 MCNEX KR7097520001 12 0.02 283,800
293 LF KR7093050003 19 0.02 313,310
294 Hanwha General Ins KR7000370007 78 0.02 315,510
295 Daesang Holdings KR7084690007 24 0.02 261,600
296 Daehan Steel KR7084010008 16 0.02 240,480
297 HANATOUR SERVICE KR7039130000 5 0.02 285,500
298 HL Holdings KR7060980000 7 0.02 246,050
299 SAH KR7058650003 3 0.02 281,100
300 DAEDONG CORP. KR7000490003 16 0.02 221,760
301 GAONCABLE KR7000500009 5 0.02 303,500
302 LSNetworks KR7000680009 51 0.02 213,435
303 BookookSecu KR7001270008 8 0.02 215,600
304 ASIA HOLDINGS KR7002030005 1 0.02 246,000
305 SamwhaCapacitor KR7001820000 7 0.02 212,450
306 KISCO Holdings KR7001940006 12 0.02 221,400
307 Yesco Holdings KR7015360001 4 0.02 208,400
308 Fursys KR7016800005 8 0.02 334,800
309 UNID KR7014830004 4 0.02 275,600
310 KISWire KR7002240000 18 0.02 324,720
311 AsiaPaprMfg KR7002310001 31 0.02 228,780
312 ZINUS KR7013890009 15 0.02 280,650
313 AEKYUNG INDUSTRIAL KR7018250001 18 0.02 220,680
314 E1 KR7017940008 5 0.02 329,000
315 Asiana Airlines KR7020560009 23 0.02 238,970
316 JIN AIR KR7272450008 34 0.02 331,840
317 Handsome KR7020000006 16 0.02 243,200
318 SHINSEGAE INTERNATIONAL KR7031430002 25 0.02 250,000
319 SINDOH KR7029530003 7 0.02 270,200
320 NICE KR7034310003 25 0.02 262,750
321 KUP KR7033270000 11 0.02 212,080
322 SNT Holdings KR7036530004 11 0.02 316,800
323 Baiksan KR7035150002 15 0.02 226,800
324 SBS KR7034120006 12 0.02 286,200
325 KYOBOSECURITIES KR7030610000 44 0.02 263,120
326 BGF KR7027410000 83 0.02 280,955
327 NamhaeChem KR7025860008 33 0.02 215,820
328 STIC Investments KR7026890004 28 0.02 231,840
329 ASIACEMENT KR7183190008 27 0.02 277,560
330 HAESUNG DS KR7195870001 11 0.02 285,450
331 SEOYONEHWA KR7200880003 18 0.02 227,160
332 Donga ST KR7170900005 6 0.02 295,800
333 AK CHEMICAL KR7161000005 33 0.02 231,660
334 DENTIUM KR7145720009 4 0.02 288,800
335 SYC KR7145990008 7 0.02 312,550
336 LOTTE INNOVATE KR7286940002 10 0.02 202,500
337 CUCKOO HOMESYS KR7284740008 15 0.02 290,850
338 KEPID KR7130660004 22 0.02 256,740
339 KAIT KR7123890006 88 0.02 221,320
340 Hyundai Futurenet KR7126560002 74 0.02 243,830
341 Soosan Industries KR7126720002 10 0.02 203,000
342 SamaAlum KR7006110001 7 0.02 219,450
343 SPC SAMLIP KR7005610001 6 0.02 283,200
344 POONGSAN HOLDINGS KR7005810007 10 0.02 267,000
345 F&F Holdings KR7007700008 26 0.02 315,640
346 SOCAR KR7403550007 22 0.02 331,320
347 KB Balhae Infra KR7415640002 37 0.02 274,540
348 BioNote KR7377740006 68 0.02 318,580
349 KLI REIT KR7357120005 63 0.02 252,000
350 SSC KR7306200007 2 0.02 277,600
351 GS P&L KR7499790004 11 0.02 219,450
352 SK eternix KR7475150009 22 0.02 288,860
353 The BORN Korea KR7475560009 10 0.02 306,000
354 DONGKUK STEEL KR7460860000 35 0.02 281,400
355 SamsungFN REIT KR7448730002 59 0.02 262,550
356 ShinsungTongsang KR7005390000 100 0.02 214,500
357 SGC Energy KR7005090006 10 0.02 228,000
358 NamyangDairy KR7003920006 4 0.02 276,000
359 SJDR KR7003960002 6 0.02 248,700
360 ChokwangLeat KR7004700001 5 0.02 265,000
361 HeungaShipping KR7003280005 160 0.02 280,960
362 HANILHOLDINGS KR7003300001 21 0.02 288,540
363 HankookShellOil KR7002960003 1 0.02 312,000
364 YUNGJIN PHARM KR7003520004 122 0.02 247,660
365 HLB GLOBAL KR7003580008 29 0.01 120,785
366 Pangrim KR7003610003 28 0.01 102,480
367 MichangOil KR7003650009 1 0.01 90,000
368 Chinyang Industry KR7003780004 9 0.01 89,640
369 DaehanSynthFibr KR7003830007 1 0.01 105,900
370 KUMHOE&C KR7002990000 26 0.01 69,550
371 KolonGlobal KR7003070000 13 0.01 123,630
372 HKCManufacture KR7003350006 3 0.01 131,700
373 YuhwaSecu KR7003460003 37 0.01 80,660
374 IlshinSpng KR7003200003 18 0.01 145,440
375 Daewonpharm KR7003220001 14 0.01 198,240
376 ILSUNG IS KR7003120003 9 0.01 139,230
377 HansolTechnics KR7004710000 21 0.01 87,045
378 HYUNDAI BNG STEEL KR7004560009 10 0.01 125,100
379 SongwonInd KR7004430005 16 0.01 196,640
380 AirBusan KR7298690009 76 0.01 173,280
381 DIC KR7004890000 2 0.01 82,200
382 Duksung KR7004830006 11 0.01 76,560
383 Shinhung KR7004080008 6 0.01 86,700
384 KorPetro KR7004090007 9 0.01 113,220
385 TaeyangMtl KR7004100004 24 0.01 72,720
386 HANSOL HOLDINGS KR7004150009 28 0.01 67,620
387 NPC KR7004250007 24 0.01 97,200
388 SAMICKTHK KR7004380002 14 0.01 151,900
389 Hyundai pharm KR7004310009 22 0.01 75,350
390 SEBANG KR7004360004 13 0.01 154,180
391 HUSTEEL KR7005010004 35 0.01 146,825
392 Silla KR7004970000 11 0.01 93,280
393 SungshinCement KR7004980009 16 0.01 121,600
394 KorApoSvc KR7005430004 2 0.01 102,400
395 HANWHA GALLERIA KR7452260003 133 0.01 186,200
396 DONGKUK CM KR7460850001 21 0.01 138,600
397 Chosun REF KR7462520008 9 0.01 131,580
398 HSHYOSUNG KR7487570004 3 0.01 88,650
399 XI SND KR7317400000 26 0.01 84,370
400 HD HYUNDAI ENERGY SOLUTIONS KR7322000001 8 0.01 196,400
401 KYOCHON F&B KR7339770000 33 0.01 176,550
402 D&D platform REIT KR7377190004 58 0.01 176,320
403 K.M.G KR7450140009 45 0.01 120,375
404 KorCirc KR7007810005 16 0.01 167,840
405 SEOYON KR7007860000 17 0.01 118,320
406 KukdoChem KR7007690001 6 0.01 191,400
407 SEMPIO KR7007540008 2 0.01 80,700
408 IlyangPharm KR7007570005 13 0.01 142,740
409 TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL KR7006890008 8 0.01 93,520
410 IlshinStone KR7007110000 51 0.01 109,905
411 SajoInd KR7007160005 3 0.01 102,600
412 Byuksan KR7007210008 45 0.01 92,925
413 HANIL HYUNDAI CEMENT KR7006390009 12 0.01 167,640
414 SAJODONGAONE KR7008040008 94 0.01 91,556
415 DAEDUCK KR7008060006 22 0.01 152,900
416 NamsunAlum KR7008350001 75 0.01 104,850
417 SUHEUNG KR7008490005 8 0.01 128,560
418 AnamElec KR7008700007 51 0.01 92,769
419 HuneedTechnologies KR7005870001 10 0.01 82,100
420 IsuChem KR7005950001 18 0.01 117,000
421 Pharmicell KR7005690003 18 0.01 194,760
422 NEXEN KR7005720008 35 0.01 151,025
423 ShinyoungWacoal KR7005800008 9 0.01 93,510
424 SamjinPharm KR7005500004 10 0.01 175,200
425 HSInd KR7006060008 40 0.01 192,000
426 DaewonCbl KR7006340004 48 0.01 165,840
427 SamsungClimateContro KR7006660005 6 0.01 74,400
428 AK Holdings KR7006840003 8 0.01 79,440
429 INSCOB KR7006490007 74 0.01 127,946
430 FIRSTEC KR7010820009 33 0.01 111,870
431 KCTC KR7009070004 20 0.01 76,000
432 CJSEAFOOD KR7011150000 24 0.01 72,480
433 Hwashin KR7010690006 24 0.01 178,560
434 GENEONE KR7011000007 53 0.01 108,650
435 SamwhaElec KR7009470006 4 0.01 170,600
436 KOREA MOVENEX KR7010100006 20 0.01 97,000
437 Shinwon KR7009270000 65 0.01 91,260
438 KwangdongPharm KR7009290008 35 0.01 189,350
439 Moorim P&P KR7009580002 45 0.01 121,050
440 MT KR7009680000 22 0.01 198,220
441 SHINSUNG E&G KR7011930005 137 0.01 172,209
442 DB KR7012030003 134 0.01 173,128
443 Tailim Pkg KR7011280005 47 0.01 93,859
444 BusanInd KR7011390002 1 0.01 75,700
445 HANNONG KR7011500006 11 0.01 168,300
446 HanshinMach KR7011700002 22 0.01 72,050
447 HYUNDAI CORP KR7011760006 9 0.01 189,000
448 Kukje Pharma KR7002720001 15 0.01 74,325
449 SHINIL ELECTRONICS KR7002700003 51 0.01 72,675
450 SamyungTrdg KR7002810000 12 0.01 151,800
451 HANDOK KR7002390003 9 0.01 101,970
452 SamickMusInstr KR7002450005 60 0.01 73,620
453 KYUNGDONG INVEST KR7012320008 2 0.01 141,200
454 JEIL PHARMA HOLDINGS KR7002620003 11 0.01 81,180
455 DAESUNGIND KR7128820008 30 0.01 95,400
456 Hana Pharm KR7293480000 12 0.01 121,560
457 HYOSUNG CHEM KR7298000001 2 0.01 73,900
458 iMarketKorea KR7122900004 22 0.01 170,500
459 HANKOOKCOSMETICS KR7123690000 11 0.01 67,980
460 DRB Industrial KR7163560006 9 0.01 72,720
461 SUNJIN KR7136490000 16 0.01 89,120
462 MCC KR7134380005 1 0.01 76,500
463 KOLON ENP KR7138490008 26 0.01 154,700
464 JW LIFESCIENCE KR7234080000 11 0.01 114,400
465 KUMHO HT KR7214330003 133 0.01 84,987
466 KYONGBO KR7214390007 16 0.01 96,000
467 TONYMOLY KR7214420002 16 0.01 98,400
468 ITSHANBUL KR7226320000 15 0.01 177,150
469 SEMPIO FOODS KR7248170003 3 0.01 78,000
470 ILDONG PHARM KR7249420001 16 0.01 181,440
471 JS CORP KR7194370003 9 0.01 131,310
472 DY POWER KR7210540001 8 0.01 104,160
473 SKD&D KR7210980009 12 0.01 99,000
474 HANSOLPAPER KR7213500002 16 0.01 136,000
475 DCM KR7024090003 8 0.01 92,560
476 LeekuInd KR7025820002 23 0.01 104,650
477 Dong Ah E&C KR7028100006 8 0.01 110,640
478 Daol SEC KR7030210009 41 0.01 111,725
479 KC KR7029460003 10 0.01 182,300
480 KPXCHEMICAL KR7025000001 3 0.01 128,250
481 KOLMAR HOLDINGS KR7024720005 25 0.01 170,500
482 KYUNGDONG CITY GAS KR7267290005 4 0.01 70,040
483 AsianaIDT KR7267850006 8 0.01 94,640
484 KOREIT KR7034830000 168 0.01 167,328
485 HS Ad KR7035000009 11 0.01 76,120
486 SHINSEGAE I&C KR7035510007 10 0.01 126,700
487 ContentreeJoongAng KR7036420008 12 0.01 96,600
488 YGP KR7037270006 42 0.01 178,500
489 LG HelloVision KR7037560000 51 0.01 122,400
490 Gwangju Shinsegae KR7037710001 5 0.01 148,250
491 SJG SEJONG KR7033530007 19 0.01 73,910
492 Muhak KR7033920000 19 0.01 117,800
493 INCHEON CITY GAS KR7034590000 3 0.01 72,600
494 JahwaElec KR7033240003 12 0.01 177,120
495 SF KR7031440001 3 0.01 92,100
496 KidariStudio KR7020120002 23 0.01 70,265
497 SewonPrecsnInd KR7021820006 10 0.01 74,800
498 SAMYANG PACKAGING KR7272550005 10 0.01 147,700
499 DONGNAMCHEMICAL KR7023450000 2 0.01 67,900
500 JEIL PHARM KR7271980005 10 0.01 111,000
501 SeAH SPECIAL STEEL KR7019440007 6 0.01 77,520
502 DAEKYO KR7019680008 56 0.01 122,360
503 CHOILALUMINUM KR7018470005 84 0.01 134,568
504 WooshinSystems KR7017370008 12 0.01 67,200
505 SeoulCtyGas KR7017390006 3 0.01 144,300
506 SoosanHvyInd KR7017550005 37 0.01 80,845
507 DaeyoungPkg KR7014160006 72 0.01 109,008
508 KUMKANG KIND KR7014280002 19 0.01 78,850
509 HanjinTrnspt KR7002320000 10 0.01 194,500
510 DY KR7013570007 18 0.01 72,360
511 KyeryongConst KR7013580006 6 0.01 76,560
512 KukdongOil&Chem. KR7014530000 24 0.01 82,560
513 TAEKYUNG BK KR7014580005 18 0.01 83,430
514 DaechangForging KR7015230006 19 0.01 102,410
515 AUK KR7017900002 39 0.01 70,629
516 HansaeYes24Holdings KR7016450009 28 0.01 109,200
517 WhaninPharm KR7016580003 12 0.01 138,480
518 ShindaeyangPapr KR7016590002 28 0.01 166,600
519 DBFI KR7016610008 29 0.01 167,620
520 ILJINHOLDINGS KR7015860000 33 0.01 123,585
521 TaekyungInd KR7015890007 19 0.01 92,245
522 KOLON CORP KR7002020006 9 0.01 140,310
523 Kyungnong KR7002100006 13 0.01 119,600
524 CHEILGRINDING KR7001560002 7 0.01 67,130
525 DAECHANG KR7012800009 61 0.01 83,936
526 DOHWA ENGINEERING KR7002150001 22 0.01 150,260
527 SamyangTongsang KR7002170009 2 0.01 95,200
528 KorExptPkgInd KR7002200004 29 0.01 76,560
529 KANGNAM JEVISCO KR7000860007 4 0.01 96,800
530 KorCastIronPipe KR7000970004 15 0.01 91,200
531 HMSEC KR7001500008 23 0.01 141,220
532 SKSecu KR7001510007 315 0.01 150,570
533 TONGYANG KR7001520006 159 0.01 104,622
534 CHONGKUNDANG HOLDINGS KR7001630003 4 0.01 176,800
535 ALUKO KR7001780006 61 0.01 132,980
536 TS KR7001790005 64 0.01 169,600
537 SAMSUNG PHARM KR7001360007 64 0.01 95,360
538 SG GLOBAL KR7001380005 30 0.01 104,100
539 KGC KR7001390004 45 0.01 172,125
540 DaehanFlrMill KR7001130004 1 0.01 128,600
541 EUGENEIS KR7001200005 65 0.01 160,875
542 DONGKUK HOLDINGS KR7001230002 12 0.01 87,000
543 GS Global KR7001250000 55 0.01 141,625
544 EUSU HOLDINGS KR7000700005 17 0.01 89,590
545 SamilPharm KR7000520007 10 0.01 129,600
546 HeungkukF&MIns KR7000540005 43 0.01 139,750
547 CSHOLDINGS KR7000590000 1 0.01 71,700
548 DaewonKangup KR7000430009 41 0.01 153,750
549 CR Holdings KR7000480004 23 0.01 125,350
550 ChinhungInt KR7002780005 97 0.01 84,390
551 SamhwaPaint KR7000390005 18 0.01 113,040
552 POSCO STEELEON KR7058430000 4 0.01 126,200
553 CKDBio KR7063160006 4 0.01 83,600
554 SAMSUNG PUBLISHING KR7068290006 7 0.01 110,040
555 KSS LINE KR7044450005 15 0.01 127,950
556 HDCLABS KR7039570007 17 0.01 141,950
557 KT Skylife KR7053210001 31 0.01 142,910
558 HanmiGlobal KR7053690004 7 0.01 128,800
559 E-WORLD KR7084680008 95 0.01 133,190
560 GREEN CHEMICAL KR7083420000 15 0.01 103,050
561 HYUNDAILIVART KR7079430005 14 0.01 102,480
562 ABLE C&C KR7078520004 18 0.01 127,980
563 ILJIN DIAMOND KR7081000002 10 0.01 119,500
564 Uniquest KR7077500007 16 0.01 99,040
565 NongshimHoldings KR7072710007 3 0.01 187,800
566 LOTTE Himart KR7071840003 16 0.01 118,240
567 MYP KR7070960000 32 0.01 128,000
568 NorooHoldings KR7000320002 9 0.01 125,910
569 HITEJINROHOLDINGS KR7000140004 15 0.01 131,850
570 DAESUNGENERGY KR7117580001 18 0.01 143,640
571 CHOSUN WELDING KR7120030002 1 0.01 97,000
572 DongwhaPharm KR7000020008 19 0.01 115,140
573 Kyungbang KR7000050005 19 0.01 119,510
574 LX HAUSYS KR7108670001 6 0.01 183,900
575 Chinyang Holdings KR7100250000 37 0.01 113,035
576 WOOJIN KR7105840003 14 0.01 103,180
577 Haitai Confectionery KR7101530004 19 0.01 113,430
578 DONGSUNG CHEMICAL KR7102260007 34 0.01 128,860
579 REYON KR7102460003 12 0.01 157,080
580 DIC KR7092200005 25 0.01 134,750
581 KEC KR7092220003 133 0.01 117,439
582 KPXHOLDINGS KR7092230002 3 0.01 163,800
583 HYOSUNG ITX KR7094280005 8 0.01 94,400
584 AJ Networks KR7095570008 31 0.01 124,310
585 WOONGJIN THINKBIG KR7095720009 77 0.01 120,659
586 JW HOLDINGS KR7096760004 50 0.01 152,750
587 NOROOPAINT KR7090350000 13 0.01 99,840
588 HDCHEP KR7089470009 22 0.01 75,790
589 E KOCREF KR7088260005 42 0.01 168,630
590 JINDO KR7088790001 8 - 14,280
591 METALABS KR7090370008 9 - 11,340
592 DONGYANG PISTON KR7092780006 9 - 40,680
593 INBIOGEN KR7101140002 2 - 9,120
594 VISANG KR7100220003 9 - 42,660
595 HYUNGJI ELITE KR7093240000 21 - 46,200
596 Hojeon KR7111110003 6 - 46,800
597 YuyuPharma KR7000220004 11 - 51,645
598 ILDONG HOLDINGS KR7000230003 8 - 50,640
599 SCEHoldings KR7000180000 46 - 59,386
600 HANSAEMK KR7069640001 5 - 5,640
601 DSRWIRE KR7069730000 10 - 36,600
602 UANGEL KR7072130008 9 - 45,990
603 ENPLUS KR7074610007 36 - 33,480
604 SAC KR7075180000 13 - 43,485
605 TELCOWARE KR7078000007 7 - 63,840
606 HUVIS KR7079980009 23 - 57,500
607 TBH GLOBAL KR7084870005 14 - 14,910
608 NK KR7085310001 53 - 47,435
609 TAPEX KR7055490007 3 - 41,250
610 WOOJIN PLAIMM KR7049800006 13 - 25,896
611 UNIONMaterials KR7047400007 28 - 64,820
612 SANGSIN KR7041650003 14 - 40,670
613 COSMAX bti KR7044820009 7 - 60,130
614 SAVEZONEI&C KR7067830000 28 - 55,860
615 ChinYangChem KR7051630002 14 - 66,080
616 DASCO KR7058730003 11 - 34,760
617 KTis KR7058860008 24 - 66,360
618 ChunilExp KR7000650002 1 - 39,050
619 RIFA KR7000760009 2 - 20,800
620 NamkwangEng&Const KR7001260009 7 - 59,290
621 TaewonMulsan KR7001420009 5 - 17,600
622 TaihanTextl KR7001070002 4 - 21,960
623 ManhoRope&Wire KR7001080001 3 - 66,300
624 BohaeBrew KR7000890004 92 - 41,952
625 HMT KR7000850008 1 - 28,550
626 Chobi KR7001550003 4 - 43,480
627 HanilIron&Stl KR7002220002 18 - 34,092
628 Sewooglobal KR7013000005 19 - 25,574
629 HS Corp KR7013520002 34 - 51,510
630 KorInd KR7002140002 17 - 48,450
631 Daehyun KR7016090003 29 - 66,990
632 DUAL KR7016740003 22 - 62,920
633 KWANG MYUNG ELEC KR7017040007 29 - 43,036
634 Myungmoon Pharm KR7017180001 23 - 38,318
635 SAJOSEAFOOD KR7014710008 12 - 63,000
636 HL D&I KR7014790000 26 - 57,330
637 SungmoonElec KR7014910004 13 - 15,600
638 In the F KR7014990006 48 - 42,096
639 GMB Korea KR7013870001 13 - 46,280
640 YoungboChem KR7014440002 13 - 56,160
641 HanExpress KR7014130009 8 - 28,720
642 THN KR7019180009 13 - 40,560
643 ILJINDISPLAY KR7020760005 34 - 28,798
644 Seowon KR7021050000 31 - 36,642
645 SAMWONSTEEL KR7023000003 26 - 60,840
646 MHETHANOL KR7023150006 5 - 25,100
647 KECC KR7023350002 7 - 38,780
648 HwangKum S&T KR7032560005 10 - 48,450
649 FARMSCO KR7036580009 24 - 49,080
650 INFAC KR7023810005 7 - 40,250
651 WISCOM KR7024070005 10 - 19,360
652 DaewonChem KR7024890006 27 - 26,784
653 DuckYangInd KR7024900003 22 - 61,160
654 SJMH KR7025530007 10 - 31,350
655 HomeDeco KR7025750001 58 - 51,620
656 DongwonFish KR7030720007 3 - 15,090
657 Bookook Steel KR7026940007 13 - 32,565
658 CROWN KR7264900002 8 - 64,000
659 HYUNDAI CORPORATION HOLDINGS KR7227840006 6 - 62,580
660 Sidiz KR7134790005 1 - 23,750
661 DSR KR7155660004 11 - 43,285
662 HANDS CORPORATION KR7143210003 15 - 29,970
663 SJM KR7123700007 11 - 31,460
664 FINEBESTEEL KR7133820001 20 - 22,940
665 INTERGIS KR7129260006 20 - 47,200
666 DONG IL STEEL KR7002690006 14 - 17,346
667 HS HWASUNG KR7002460004 7 - 66,080
668 SUN&L KR7002820009 9 - 24,975
669 SHINPOONG KR7002870004 24 - 30,600
670 Bolak KR7002760007 40 - 43,600
671 Y2 Solution KR7011690005 8 - 16,480
672 UNI CHEM KR7011330008 49 - 62,965
673 YOUNGWIRE KR7012160008 68 - 27,268
674 KeyangElecMach KR7012200002 15 - 23,460
675 YeonghwaMtl KR7012280004 35 - 30,170
676 SH ENERCHEM KR7002360006 74 - 37,222
677 SAMJUNGPULP KR7009770009 2 - 50,900
678 AJIN ELEC COMPONENTS KR7009320003 32 - 32,544
679 Krc KR7010040004 28 - 59,500
680 SDC KR7010960003 18 - 54,180
681 Enex KR7011090008 40 - 20,880
682 HWACHEON KR7010660009 15 - 44,925
683 DaelimTrdg KR7006570006 10 - 25,400
684 DaeguDptStr KR7006370001 7 - 48,860
685 SINGSONGHOLDINGS KR7006880009 8 - 54,480
686 KECHOLDINGS KR7006200000 31 - 23,529
687 OYANG KR7006090005 6 - 52,260
688 CROWNHAITAI Holdings KR7005740006 10 - 53,500
689 DAELIM B&Co KR7005750005 11 - 43,780
690 Dongbu Corporation KR7005960000 15 - 51,375
691 Wonlim KR7005820006 2 - 27,720
692 MoonbaeStl KR7008420002 14 - 31,080
693 EagonInd KR7008250003 7 - 38,640
694 NI STEEL KR7008260002 19 - 64,980
695 Kumbi KR7008870008 1 - 60,100
696 DongyangStlPipe KR7008970006 80 - 50,000
697 Hansol Logistics KR7009180001 18 - 39,780
698 MOORIM PAPER KR7009200007 28 - 56,700
699 WOOSUNG KR7006980007 2 - 29,700
700 Aprogen KR7007460009 53 - 39,644
701 DongbangAgro KR7007590003 9 - 54,630
702 TP KR7007980006 33 - 49,665
703 UNID btplus KR7446070005 6 - 21,360
704 HS R&A KR7378850002 13 - 37,115
705 CTR Mobility KR7308170000 6 - 35,820
706 Monami KR7005360003 13 - 26,260
707 HanshinConst KR7004960001 8 - 51,360
708 SeoulFoodInd KR7004410007 249 - 35,856
709 Namsung KR7004270005 25 - 27,250
710 DongbangTrnspt&Log KR7004140000 32 - 66,880
711 SGCORPORATION KR7004060000 135 - 43,605
712 DRB Holding KR7004840005 13 - 57,460
713 T'way Holdings KR7004870002 73 - 63,583
714 ChokwangPaint KR7004910006 9 - 51,390
715 SAMIL C&S KR7004440004 9 - 44,595
716 SamhwaCrown&Closure KR7004450003 1 - 30,850
717 PharmGen Science KR7004720009 10 - 43,200
718 SunnyElec KR7004770004 24 - 47,784
719 SungboChem KR7003080009 13 - 32,110
720 Aprogen Biologics KR7003060001 21 - 15,330
721 BukwangPharm KR7003000007 8 - 38,120
722 HansungEnt KR7003680006 4 - 19,380
723 YoosungEnt KR7002920007 17 - 31,858
Investment notice
- The information provided on this website is based on reliable sources, but its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed.
- Financial investment products are not protected by the Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation in accordance with the Depositor Protection Act, and a loss of investment principal may occur, which belongs to the investor.
- Past performance does not guarantee future profits.
- In the case of a collective investment scheme that invests in foreign securities, asset values may be lost due to risks caused by market, political, and economic conditions in the target country.
- Derivatives may lose all or a significant portion of the investment principal in a short period of time due to high price volatility, and there is a risk that the counterparty may not be able to fulfill the terms of the contract when investing in over-the-counter derivatives.
- Before investing, be sure to read the investment prospectus and contract recommendation document regarding the investment subject, redemption method, and fee.