Fixed Income

RISE Nov 2025 Term Credit (448600)

Update : 2025.02.14



+9.52상승 (0.02%)

Market Price per share (KRW)


+5상승 (0.01%)

※ t-1 last price

trading volume



KRW 148.5billion

RISE Nov 2025 Term Credit (448600)


If held until maturity (November 2025), bond price volatility risk due to changes in interest rates is minimized and investment outcomes similar to directly investing in bonds and holding until maturity can be expected.


Through ‘monthly distribution’ of interest income generated from bonds, it is possible to generate steady cash flow like bonds.

Basic information

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Update : 2025.02.14
ETF name(Code), Benchmark Index, Inception date, creation unit, Net Asset (KRW 0.1 billion), Trustee, Rule of Dividend payment, Market Price per share (KRW), iNAV per share (KRW), trading volume (share), Total Expense ratio table
ETF Name (code) Benchmark Index Inception date Creation Unit AUM (KRW)
KB RISE Nov2025 Term Credit ETF
KIS Nov2025 Term Credit Index(AA- or higher) 2022.11.22 2,000 148,524,679,652
Trustee Market Price per share (KRW) NAV Trading Volume (shares)
증권금융 52,645
※ t-1 last price
52,631 5,276
authorized participant, Liquidity provider table
Total Expense Ratio Distribution Frequency
Year 0.07% (Designated participating company : 0.001%, Collective investment : 0.054%, trust : 0.01%, General affairs : 0.005%) Last business day of every month.(If the end of the accounting period is not a business day, the business day immediately preceding it)
Authorized Participants Liquidity Providers
KB Securities, Kiwoom Securities, Meritz Securities, DB Financial Investment, Samsung Securities KB Securities, Kiwoom Securities, Meritz Securities, DB Financial Investment, Samsung Securities
ETF name(Code), Benchmark Index, Inception date, creation unit, AUM(0.1 billion) (KRW), Trustee, Rule of Dividend payment, Market Price per share (KRW), iNAV per share (KRW), trading volume (share), Total Expense ratio table
ETF Name(Code) Benchmark Index
KB RISE Nov2025 Term Credit ETF

KIS Nov2025 Term Credit Index(AA- or higher)
Inception date Creation Unit
2022.11.22 2,000
AUM(0.1 billion) (KRW) Trustee
148,524,679,652 증권금융
Market Price per share (KRW) iNAV per share (KRW)
※ t-1 last price
Trading Volume (shares)
authorized participant, Liquidity provider table
Total Expense Ratio
Year 0.07% (Designated participating company : 0.001%, Collective investment : 0.054%, trust : 0.01%, General affairs : 0.005%)
Distribution Frequency
Last business day of every month.(If the end of the accounting period is not a business day, the business day immediately preceding it)
Authorized Participants
KB Securities, Kiwoom Securities, Meritz Securities, DB Financial Investment, Samsung Securities
Liquidity Providers
KB Securities, Kiwoom Securities, Meritz Securities, DB Financial Investment, Samsung Securities

Index Introduction

KIS Nov2025 Term Credit Index(AA- or higher) is an index consisting of domestic bonds with maturity of 2025 and credit ratings of AA- or higher, outstanding balances of 50 billion or more, bank bonds, other financial bonds, and corporate bonds.

View detailed index information

TOP 10 Holdings

Update : 2025-02-14
Rank , Name, proportion table
Rank Name Weight (%)
1 원화예금 16.39
2 KEPCO1316 6.97
3 KOSME798(S) 6.93
4 NACF2023-11COUP2Y-C 6.87
5 HYUNDAI CARD886-5 6.85
6 KEB HANA CARD249-1 6.82
7 HANA CAPITAL371-2 3.53
8 HYUNDAI CAPITAL1958-4 3.49
9 KORAIL229 3.48
10 SHINHAN CARD2156-2 3.47

Dividend payment data

· Payable date of dividend payment 3 years.
Rule of Dividend payment, Payable date of dividend payment, dividend per share (KRW) table
Rule of Dividend payment Payable date of dividend payment dividend per share (KRW)
2025-01-31 2025-02-04 140
2024-12-30 2025-01-03 200
2024-11-29 2024-12-03 185
2024-10-31 2024-11-04 145
2024-09-30 2024-10-04 155
2024-08-30 2024-09-03 130
2024-07-31 2024-08-02 160
2024-06-28 2024-07-02 370
2024-05-31 2024-06-04 470
2024-04-30 2024-05-03 178
2024-03-29 2024-04-02 180
2024-02-29 2024-03-05 180
2024-01-28 2024-02-02 120
2023-12-28 2024-01-03 220
2023-11-30 2023-12-04 190
2023-10-31 2023-11-02 150
2023-09-27 2023-10-05 170
2023-08-31 2023-09-04 100
2023-07-31 2023-08-02 110
2023-06-30 2023-07-04 350
2023-05-31 2023-06-02 235
2023-04-28 2023-05-03 100
2023-03-31 2023-04-04 165
2023-02-28 2023-03-03 100
2023-01-31 2023-02-02 15
2022-12-29 2023-01-03 20



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Update : 2025-02-14

 (as of Oct : %)

The result of above Net Asset Value performance is the rate of return assuming distribution reinvestment.

classification, 1Month, 3Month, 6Month, 1year, 3year, YTD (Year to date), Since inception, NAV, Benchmark Index, Outperformance table
classification 1Month 3Month 6Month 1year 3year YTD
(Year to date)
NAV 0.30 1.06 1.91 4.54 - 0.58 14.75
Benchmark Index 0.28 0.98 1.79 4.06 - 0.50 13.47
Outperformance 0.01 0.08 0.11 0.48 - 0.07 1.27

daily Performance

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date, market price (KRW), NAV (KRW)
date Market price (KRW) NAV (KRW)
closing price Daily Return(%) closing price Daily Return(%)
2025.02.14 52,645 0.009상승 52,631 0.018상승
2025.02.13 52,640 0.038상승 52,621.48 0.011상승
2025.02.12 52,620 0.009상승 52,615.3 0.005상승
2025.02.11 52,615 - 52,612.26 0.012상승
2025.02.10 52,615 0.028상승 52,605.61 0.009상승
2025.02.07 52,600 - 52,593.37 0.011상승
2025.02.06 52,600 0.028상승 52,587.57 0.014상승
2025.02.05 52,585 0.009상승 52,580.12 0.011상승
2025.02.04 52,580 0.019상승 52,574.2 0.010상승
2025.02.03 52,570 -0.009하락 52,568.93 0.009상승
2025.01.31 52,575 - 52,556.7 0.006상승
2025.01.24 52,575 -0.218하락 52,531.58 0.012상승
2025.01.23 52,690 0.047상승 52,524.84 -0.252하락
2025.01.22 52,665 -0.009하락 52,657.64 0.004상승
2025.01.21 52,670 0.009상승 52,655.19 0.010상승
2025.01.20 52,665 - 52,649.92 0.004상승
2025.01.17 52,665 0.037상승 52,640.21 0.015상승
2025.01.16 52,645 0.028상승 52,631.87 0.024상승
2025.01.15 52,630 0.038상승 52,619.01 0.007상승


Name, Ticker, Number. of shares, Weight(%), market price (KRW)
No. (Number) Name Ticker Number of shares
/ Par value
Weight(%) Market price (KRW)
1 원화예금 KRD010010001 17,253,367 16.39 17,253,367
2 KEPCO1316 KR350112GCB8 7,087,172 6.97 7,335,038
3 KOSME798(S) KR351606GCB8 7,087,172 6.93 7,295,648
4 NACF2023-11COUP2Y-C KR381103GDB8 7,087,172 6.87 7,232,218
5 HYUNDAI CARD886-5 KR6065905DA6 7,087,172 6.85 7,214,315
6 KEB HANA CARD249-1 KR6205491DB6 7,087,172 6.82 7,179,765
7 HANA CAPITAL371-2 KR601980DCB2 3,543,586 3.53 3,711,920
8 HYUNDAI CAPITAL1958-4 KR6029887CC9 3,543,586 3.49 3,671,009
9 KORAIL229 KR354602GCB4 3,543,586 3.48 3,657,352
10 SHINHAN CARD2156-2 KR6032716CB7 3,543,586 3.47 3,647,292
11 SK305-2 KR6034732CC0 3,543,586 3.47 3,651,261
12 MERITZ SECU2311-2 KR6008562DB3 3,543,586 3.44 3,620,517
13 IBK CAPITAL283-6 KR601945ED64 3,543,586 3.42 3,594,447
14 SAMSUNG CARD2573 KR6029783D10 3,543,586 3.41 3,585,510
15 HYUNDAI DEP28 KR6069961C52 3,543,586 3.4 3,576,562
16 HYUNDAI COMMERCIAL478-3 KR6095923D79 3,543,586 3.4 3,577,055
17 NH Capital213-1 KR6097241D88 3,543,586 3.4 3,581,644
18 하나 금융기관영업부 20241014-364-1 KRYZCDPEAE06 3,543,586 3.3 3,476,952
19 삼성증권 20241105-364-4 KRYZCPPEB532 3,543,586 3.29 3,467,560
20 NH투자증권 20241105-364-9 KRYZCPPEB533 3,543,586 3.29 3,467,752
21 HYUNDAI CAPITAL1940-2 KR6029885C91 1,417,434 1.37 1,445,772
Investment notice
- The information provided on this website is based on reliable sources, but its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed.
- Financial investment products are not protected by the Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation in accordance with the Depositor Protection Act, and a loss of investment principal may occur, which belongs to the investor.
- Past performance does not guarantee future profits.
- In the case of a collective investment scheme that invests in foreign securities, asset values may be lost due to risks caused by market, political, and economic conditions in the target country.
- Derivatives may lose all or a significant portion of the investment principal in a short period of time due to high price volatility, and there is a risk that the counterparty may not be able to fulfill the terms of the contract when investing in over-the-counter derivatives.
- Before investing, be sure to read the investment prospectus and contract recommendation document regarding the investment subject, redemption method, and fee.